Book a private ‘Sawdust Happy Hour’

Bring a group of your friends, some libations and some curiosity! We will work with you on scheduling.

Day, evening, and weekend hours available. Great for team building or just having fun.

We have options for a

  1. single session 3hr class- You will start and finish a candle holder, cheeseboard, or similar project of your own design while munching on food and socializing with old and new friends. Perfect for Holiday Parties with co-workers, friends or family.

  2. 2 session class- You will choose a variety of wood species to create a high-quality edge-grain cutting board of your own design.  Through class, you will learn to use, safely, the table saw, miter saw, drill press and, optionally, the band saw and router table. Get your friends and sign up as a group for discounts!

  3. Cost is $85 per person per class

    To book an event, Call or eMail:
    (216) 244-3699